World Elephant Day 2017
On Saturday 12th August, people came together across the globe in order to celebrate World Elephant Day. Since 2011, this day has been dedicated to the protection and preservation of the world’s elephants, to help create awareness of the desperate plight of both African and Asian elephants and also to share positive solutions for the better management of wild and captive elephants.
Currently, African elephants are listed on the IUCN Red List of threatened species as “vulnerable” and Asian elephants as “endangered”. At Tanda Tula, our greatest concern is for the wild African elephants. Although we have a healthy number of these animals moving through the Timbavati which are great viewing for our guests on our safaris, there is no denying that these incredible creatures are under huge pressure. African elephants that are in wild areas dedicated to conservation, still face many challenges such as poaching, habitat loss and proximity to human conflict. The only real solution to minimize or bring these issues to a complete stop is through education, something we support and contribute towards as much as we can, in an area where we can maintain some level of control. Fortunately, there are a growing number of organizations world wide which all contribute to helping educate and manage the situations that effect the livelihood of these magnificent beasts.
In the words of Margaret Kenyatta, the first lady of Kenya, who is an avid support of elephants and who stresses the importance of a sustained global effort in order to save these animals:
“Elephants have lived in coexistence with human beings in Africa for millions of years. They are part of our natural environment our culture, our identity and our heritage. We are alarmed that trade in ivory in other parts of the world threaten the very existence of this majestic species and we call on all citizens of the world to celebrate World Elephant Day on 12th August, by renewing their commitment to end trade in ivory. The only place that it belongs is on the elephant. Let’s play our part in keeping them alive.”