photographic safari

Photographic Safari at the Simbavati

The Simbavati boasts lodges that offer incomparable authentic African safari experiences. This is not just because of their exclusive lodges and intimate camps, but because of their special photographic safari offering.

Photographic safari

Unrivalled in wildlife safari, the Simbavati offers specialized photographic game drives across kilometers of the Timbavati Private Nature Reserve.

These drives have become renowned for their sightings of great wildlife such as the endangered white lion, leopard, wild dog, and cheetah. The drive includes a specialized photographic vehicle and a professional wildlife photographer who ensures that you make the most of your experience. Due to the adaptation of the vehicle with four swivel seats, special camera mountings, and low sides; your time in the wild with your camera is optimized. Advise is offered through suggestive instructions on the drive. Tips are shared on image editing through a pre-game and post-drive briefing.

Guests are welcome to use their own equipment, but there is also equipment available for hire at the lodge. This photographic safari experience truly is one of it's kind. Don't miss your opportunity to book on the available departure dates.
