Did You Know: Basil
Spider Repellent:
Did you know spiders abhor peppermint? To keep the spiders happily outside, add ten to 15 drops of peppermint essential oil to a cup (250 ml) of water. Pop this into a spray bottle and spray on doorframes, windows, small cracks, ceilings and bathrooms, in your House/Chalet.
General “Gogga”/Bug Spray:
Did you know that flies, mozzies, ticks and other creepy crawlies are not fans of basil? Now, you can either invest in a basil plant/plant it all over your garden, or for a portable version … you can purchase basil essential oil, pour 20 drops and two cups of water into a spray bottle and TA-DA – your own bug repellent. Are there other ingredients that bugs in general, find unpleasant? Yes – eucalyptus, lavender, rosemary, citronella and bay leaves (in any form).