Baby Hyena’s
Over the last few weeks, our northern hyena clan’s den site – situated 10 minutes from the lodge – has become a hive of activity; while at first there was just one cub brave enough to venture out and show itself, but over the last couple of days, the two newest additions have been putting on some wonderful shows!!! As can be expected though, my camera battery died yesterday when all three were out playing with one another and looking to get some milk off mom, so I (and all of of you) will have to wait a bit longer before I manage to get some new pictures.
However, last week we spent time with this youngster that was full of energy after having spent the day tucked safely in her den site. The mother hyena was ever so patient as her daughter clambered over her, nipping and biting as she did! Mom got involved in the games too, and it was just a wonderful sighting for my guests and I to enjoy – it showed such a different side to hyenas compared to what most people are exposed to via nature documentaries, and underlined why these underrated predators are one of my favourites to spend time with!