The Drier Days

We are experiencing intense dry conditions in the Timbavati as the drought seems never ending. Each day various animals grow weaker and more vulnerable not only to the harsh elements, but also to the fierce predators.

The hyena clan which den near to our safari camp seem to be going from strength to strength, and this past winter has seen them turn into fierce killing machines. The weakened animals are perfect prey as they do not have the strength to fight back, and hyenas use force and sheer determination to wear down their prey.

The last few weeks have provided amazing sightings with members of this large clan, which consists of adults and young of various ages. We have been lucky enough to view these animals preying on a selection of species that simply do not have the strength to fight back.

Hyena on a kill

(Hyena on a kill)


Keeping a lookout

(Keeping a lookout)

Tanda Tula_Waterbuck and Hyena

( A standoff between a waterbuck and a hyena)









