A June Update From Motswari
As the month of June draws to a close, we can start looking back at some pretty special sightings! While my camera remained mostly dormant and did not catch the bulk of what was witnessed, it was a good month
As the month of June draws to a close, we can start looking back at some pretty special sightings! While my camera remained mostly dormant and did not catch the bulk of what was witnessed, it was a good month
Over the last few weeks, our northern hyena clan’s den site – situated 10 minutes from the lodge – has become a hive of activity; while at first there was just one cub brave enough to venture out and show
There is always plenty of excitement in the air when our guides and trackers discover a new hyena den, especially one that is close to the road and has easy access. There is almost always activity at a den so
Amazingly, this was not the first time I had watched this large male warthog brazenly walk up to our northern hyena den site – the previous time, the mother hyena was more concerned that the slightly-omnivorous warthog might steal her
During the times when our lions don’t play along, and move off to wherever lions move off to when they leave Motswari, I (and all the other guides) very quickly forget about the bountiful times, and the fact that we
Tanda Tula has a new classroom! At Tanda Tula we believe in the power of education, and for some time now have run an adult literacy programme in camp. We received such exceptional feedback from our team that we had to expand